Thursday, February 23, 2012

Transcend Time Title Hunt...

Welcome to the Transcend Time Saga Title Hunt! The title hunt is the reveal of the title for the final novel in the Transcend Time Saga. Each of the bloggers participating in the hunt have been given a letter. Hop around to the blogs participating to hunt for the letters. (And remember that two of the letters are used twice, so the title is eight letters long.)
Be quick with unscrambling the title because this voucher is only valid for a week (so it'll end on March 3)!

Once you've unscrambled the title, go to Michelle Madow's blog and use the title name to enter the giveaway for a voucher for an advanced e-copy of the final Transcend Time novel! (She is giving away a voucher because the novel is planned to be released at the end of the year, and she hasn't finished writing it yet! This voucher will ensure that you will receive an advance e-copy once they are available).

The letter for this blog is: E

Well seeing as though I'm only on page, erm, ten of Remembrance (Michelle was so nice to send me a PDF of it) I can't really tell you what I hope happens but judging from the description on Goodreads I guess we can hope that Chelsea and Lizzie don't end up killing each other (I know a little over dramatic) and that every one gets their true love. When I'm done reading this then I'll actually write something that is believable. :)

Michelle would also like you to know that the e-version of Remembrance is on sale for $0.99 until her USA tour ends in April. So go grab it while you can!

Below is a list of all the blogs participating in the 'Hunt' so check them out for letter to!

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