A glimpse at the original scrapped first chapter, which is told from Adrian's POV.
Originally, Bloodlines was going to be told from a few different characters' points of view. It was going to be in third person and alternate characters each chapter. A few chapters in, problems were emerging from this (you've got to trust me on that!).
I ended up starting completely over and simply doing the entire book from just Sydney's point of view in first person (the "I" voice). The all-Sydney version is what you're going to get when the book hits the shelves August 23.
Hope that clears things up!
Well, I know that when my friend and fellow book lover, Hayden (aka The Teen Bookworm) was pretty upset when he heard that Bloodlines was going to be in third person. I am a fan of the Vampire Academy series and loved the first person p.o.v. so I didn't see how Richelle was going to do (let's just say I was being VERY optimistic of it being good). Then a few months down the road Bloodlines was released and I was the very first person in my school to check it out. (Read my review for Bloodlines). Let's just say that it would have been good, but the anticipation of finding out details with the character wouldn't have been very climactic. So AWESOME choice Richelle!
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